If you love Disney like I do this site is for you! Disney Tourist Blog is created by young husband and wife duo who adore and frequent the Disney Parks. They give wonderfully helpful advice on visiting the various parks, staying at the resorts, where to eat, on the dining plans....etc.
The husband takes AMAZING photos! They make me want to go back sooo bad! I am a Disney lover who gets extremely giddy when Disney Vacation comes about. I literally bounce up in down in the car as we approach the parks. The Haunted Mansion is my FAVE ride! I can't get enough and always wish I could go down into the ballroom scene and see everything up close. If I worked there I would die ;0) to work with the 999 haunts in the Haunted Mansion.
I love the castles and have always wished they were more interactive. I want to eat at Cinderellas Castle sooo bad and would be in heaven if i was picked to stay in the Cinderella Suite INSIDE THE CASTLE! And I want to see the new Beast's Castle in the NEW FANTASY LAND at WDW! I also really want to see the Sleeping Beauty Castle at Disneyland Paris....might have to go when I am there in June....we'll see!
Check this site out!